MEET Final Conference / Conférence finale MEET: Décoder le doc!

Texte en français ci-dessous.

What effects does the often negative image of young people have on themselves? How to overcome it? Which instrumentalization to denounce?
What kind of freedom has a filmmaker when he films in an institution? What space for freedom for people filmed when they are “locked up” in an institutional context ? And finally, which elements guide the director’s choices for the selection of scenes?

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eTwinning Webinar for German Teachers: “MEET – Intercultural Learning and Media Education for Equity and Tolerance”

Around 30 teachers from all over Germany joined the webinar “MEET – Intercultural Learning and Media Education for Equity and Tolerance” which was organized by the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD)/ Pedagogical Exchange Service and What does digital civil courage mean to you? With this question the two media educators Mario Di Carlo and Katja Mayer from started the webinar and encouraged the participants to share their thoughts among each other.

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MEET at the 12th International Conference “Keeping Children and Young people safe online”

On 18th and 19th September 2018 the 12th International Conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online” took place in Warsaw. During the two days about 40 speakers from all over Europe presented programs, methods and up-to-date studies related to the safety of children and young people on the internet and engaged in debates and discussions. This year’s key topics were: Balancing online and offline life, Internet pornography and Sexting, Cyberbullying, hate-speech, Data-protection and privacy.

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Media Education to Address Culture of Fear – MEET event in Ljubljana

Presentation of MEET project results was organized by the Peace Institute and the National Education Institute Slovenia in Ljubljana, on the 20th of August 2018.

Mojca Pajnik from the Peace Institute introduced MEET project highlighting its educational challenges to culture of fear and exclusion. She discussed pedagogical novelties offered by MEET to stimulate students to learn about intercultural relations and use of new media to counteract discrimination. Field work in public schools in Germany, Italy and Slovenia was presented where MEET project partners, together with teachers tested learning scenarios as media education tools.

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Save the Date – Final Conference of MEET Project

Thursday 15 November 2018

« Decoding the doc : images, education and diversity »

Venue : Cinema Palace, Brussels City Center                             

In the framework of MEET project, a final conference is organized in Brussels about synergies and challenges between documentary production, diversity inclusiveness and media education.

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MEET’s national event in Italy

On 24th and 25th May 2018 the University of Florence hosted the international conference “Media education in the global society. Experiences and transfer of good practices”, an event organised by the Italian team of MEET. The conference focused on Media Education as a means to promote an intercultural and inclusive citizenship at school and in the wider society.

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How to deal with hate on the web? Media education for young people

Public event in Vienna, 4th of June 2018

MEET project participants with the speakers: Benjamin Opratko, Katja Friedrich, Birgit Sauer, Irina Scheitz and Ingrid Brodnig (c) Wiener Bildungsserver

How to deal with online hate speech, cyber bullying and the spread of online fake news? These were the topics of discussion at a public event that took place at the Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (Vienna School of Education) on 4th of June 2018. Organized as part of MEET’s public outreach efforts, the event brought together more than 50 participants: school teachers, social workers, public officials and academics listened to two lectures and engaged in a lively debate. The debate was moderated by Benjamin Opratko, member of the Austrian MEET team.

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Digital civil courage? – Media Education for Fairness, Tolerance and Democracy – Symposium 7 June 2018 Berlin

In recent years, new forms of exclusion, racism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance have developed in Europe and around the world. Extremist movements and populist parties have emerged in a number of European countries, which have found fertile ground in economic crises and social insecurity among many citizens. With a strong presence in the online media, this propaganda offensive achieves a high impact, especially among young people. How can and should a democratic society respond to these developments? Do we need a digital moral courage of each individual to protect fairness, tolerance and democracy? What could media supervision look like for the digital world? On June 7, 2018, 80 European experts discussed this topic at the Rhineland-Palatinate State Representation in Berlin at the invitation of the State Representative for Rhineland-Palatinate and the State Office for Media and Communication (LMK) Rhineland-Palatinate.

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Media Education in the Global Society

Thursday, 24th and Friday 25th May at the Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology of the University of Florence was hold the conference Media Education in the global society. Experiences and transfer of good practices. The event aimed to take stock of the role of media education in the training of the 21st century citizen, with particular reference to the challenges of globalization, interculturalism and socio-cultural inclusion. The aim was to evaluate the pedagogical potential of an area of ​​educational research that can provide analytical tools useful for a more critical reading of communication on hot topics such as immigration, cohabitation, post-colonial citizenship.

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