Presentation of MEET project results was organized by the Peace Institute and the National Education Institute Slovenia in Ljubljana, on the 20th of August 2018.
Mojca Pajnik from the Peace Institute introduced MEET project highlighting its educational challenges to culture of fear and exclusion. She discussed pedagogical novelties offered by MEET to stimulate students to learn about intercultural relations and use of new media to counteract discrimination. Field work in public schools in Germany, Italy and Slovenia was presented where MEET project partners, together with teachers tested learning scenarios as media education tools.
Pajnik presented learning scenarios “Building a Diverse and Democratic Community” and “Migration between Media Narratives and Digital Storytelling” that were tested in classrooms in two public schools in Slovenia, Bilingual Secondary School Lendava and Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška in Ljubljana.
Presentation of MEET was followed by screening of the pedagogical documentary, presenting video capsules on three MEET key concepts: understanding, expression and engagement. A lively debate followed, with MEET project team member Iztok Šori sharing his experience working with students in the Bilingual Secondary School Lendava while the teacher Andrej Svete emphasized positive impact of MEET pedagogical tools that have been applied in the Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška in Ljubljana.
The event was attended by about 30 secondary school teachers from all over Slovenia who engaged in a lively debate about the relevance of MEET activities. They shared experiences with pedagogical techniques to critically address discrimination through media education.