An European project to fight sexism amongst teenagers through play and gamification

Fight sexism through play: on the occasion of the mobilizations of 8 march, COSPE launches the new three-years project, “Play for your rights! Innovative media education strategies against sexism and discrimination”. The project aims at fighting sexist hate speech coming from stereotypes and gender discrimination among adolescents through social media education strategies and gamification practices. For young people, play is a powerful tool for learning and change: a way of involving adolescents in addressing complex phenomena with creativity and imagination.

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Teachers, librarians and families: partners around digital media!

The European (Erasmus+) MyAppEduc project aims to bring schools, families and libraries together to promote co-education in digital media for children aged 5 to 12.
To do this, an interactive APP’ is being proposed on an experimental basis and focuses educational activities on the media that can be used by teachers, parents or librarians through the partnership of these 3 actors. Media education resource centres and family centres accompany this field experimentation process.

Le projet européen (Erasmus+) MyAppEduc vise la mise en partenariat des écoles, familles et bibliothèques pour favoriser une co-éducation aux médias numériques des enfants de 5 à 12 ans.
Pour ce faire, une APP’ interactive est proposée en expérimentation et articule des activités éducatives autour des médias qui puissent être utilisées par des enseignants, des parents ou des bibliothécaires à travers la mise en partenariat de ces 3 acteurs. Des centres de ressources en éducation aux médias et centres de familles accompagnent ce processus d’expérimentation sur le terrain.

Go to the project website

Hacking Online Hate: Building an Evidence Base for Educators

SELMA (Social and Emotional Learning for Mutual Awareness) is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission which aims to tackle the problem of online hate speech by promoting mutual awareness, tolerance, and respect. The report “Hacking Online Hate: Building an Evidence Base for Educators” synthesises the main research findings of a comprehensive research programme carried out by the SELMA project to achieve a holistic understanding of the online hate speech phenomenon.

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A multimedia collection of tools for teachers – Multimedijska zbirka orodij za učiteljice in učitelje

The MEET project is presented in the Global Learning Newsletter for educators, which The Peace Institute, MEET partner in Slovenia, is preparing within the framework of the Sustainable.Local.Globally. Project (Trajnostno.Lokalno.Globalno.).

V novičniku globalnega učenja za izobraževalce, ki ga pripravljamo v okviru projekta Trajnostno.Lokalno.Globalno., je predstavljen tudi projekt MEET, medijska vzgoja za pravičnost in strpnost. Izdelali smo multimedijsko zbirko orodij za učiteljice in učitelje, ki jim bodo v pomoč pri poučevanju medkulturne in medijske vzgoje (predvsem za srednje šole).

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A Films Ouverts – Film Festival Against Racism and for interculturalism in Belgium

A Films Ouverts (meaning Open Films in French) is a Film Festival aiming to open the debate on racism issues and interculturalism. The particularity of this festival lies in its media education approach that encourages participants to take a critical distances towards the images of the Other shown in movies.

A Films Ouverts est un festival du film ayant pour objectif d’ouvrir le débat sur les questions relatives au racisme et à l’interculturalisme. La particularité de ce festival réside dans son approche d’éducation aux médias qui encourage les participants à prendre des distances critiques par rapport aux images de l’Autre présentées dans les films.

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The European Media Literacy Week / La Semaine européenne de l’éducation aux médias

The European Media Literacy Week is a new initiative by the European Commission to underline the societal importance of media literacy and promote media literacy initiatives and projects across the EU. From 18 to 22 March 2019, various events around the topic of media literacy will take place in Brussels and in Member States.
La Semaine européenne de l’éducation aux médias est une nouvelle initiative de la Commission européenne visant à souligner l’importance de l’éducation des médias pour la société et à promouvoir les initiatives et projets d’éducation aux médias dans l’ensemble de l’UE. Du 18 au 22 mars 2019, divers événements portant sur l’éducation aux médias auront lieu à Bruxelles et dans les États membres.

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Recognizing propaganda strategies – escaping manipulation / Reconnaître les stratégies de propagande – échapper à la manipulation

Texte en français ci-dessous.

Salafist propaganda on the Internet is often targeted at young people. Less religious topics than questions related to everyday life are in the foreground. The ideological offers of Salafist propaganda promise especially young people orientation, meaning and identity. klicksafe informs about Salafist online contents in the new topic module and the website area of the same name.

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IAME Summer School 2018

The first Summer of the International Association for Media Education (IAME) took place in the Italian city of Lucca from the 1st to the 3rd of July 2018. On Sunday 1st July the members of IAME gathered in a general assembly in order to discuss a strategy to raise the visibility of media education among relevant stakeholders in Europe, as well as to create further occasions to share and exchange good educational practices within and beyond the members of the association.

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Cross-fitting problems and solutions for accepting asylum seekers in small communities

By Andreas Formiconi

Presently, the strategy for distributing the high fluxes of immigrants in Italy consists in scattering them throughout the territory as much as possible. Consequently, the problem of integrating groups of immigrants representing a non négligeable fraction of local populations is a  very common one. The creation of new centers for hosting asylum seekers is entirely under the control of the Ministry of the Interior. The local communities have no official role in the process and their reaction to the setting up of new centers is mostly adverse.

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Média Animation: Open Film Contest

Are you concerned about racism and intolerance? Do you want to put forward a positive vision of interculturality? So, express yourself by participating in the thirteenth edition of the “Open Films” contest to perhaps attend the screening of your film through Wallonia and Brussels from 9 to 24 March 2018.

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