On 6th November Katja Mayer (medien+bildung.com) presented MEET at the “Forum Quo Vadis Europa” at the Democracy Day in Mainz. 12 days later, on 18 November, Prof. Maria Ranieri (University of Florence) explained the MEET project at the GMK workshop on “International Media Education” in Frankfurt.
At the 12th Democracy Day of Rhineland-Palatinate, more than 650 young people and adults who got involved met on 6 November in Mainz under the motto “My, Your, Our Europe ?!”. The forums at the Democracy Day took up current, central topics around democracy, participation and Europe. They offered space and time for an intensive exchange. The Forum “Quo Vadis” EUROPA? – Traditions, challenges and perspectives for democracy in Europe was opened by State Secretary Heike Raab, who is responsible for both media policy and European policy in the Rhineland-Palatinate state government. Katja Mayer from medien + bildung.com reported in the forum on the project MEET and on intercultural media education in the 5 participating countries.

A few days later and a few kilometers away in Frankfurt, the annual conference of the German media educational society GMK took place from 17 to 19 November. The “Forum Kommunikationskultur 2017” also focused on European topics and had a number of guests from other European countries. In the “International Session B” on “Media Literacy and Teacher Trainings”, a special interest was given to the practical projects on which Prof. Maria Ranieri (University of Florence) presented the MEET project. There was a great deal of interest in the international exchange among specialist colleagues about concrete experiences in projects.