The second Media Meets Literacy conference at Sarajevo (MMLS), organized by the Evens Foundation and its partners – European Commission, Mediacentar Sarajevo and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, explored the crucial question of media literacy at a time when information literacy and critical thinking toward the media are more crucial than ever.
e–Engagement against violence
Over the last years, due to globalisation and migration processes, neoliberal transformations of welfare states and shrinking labour markets populist parties and movements have emerged in a number of European countries. This context has provoked new forms of racism and discrimination, also through new media and social platforms. The European Project e-EAV (e-Engagement Against Violence), supported by the DAPHNE-programme 2012-2014, aimed at contrasting new right-wing populism and discrimination transmitted through digital media by promoting young people’s awareness of violent media contents and empowering them through civic engagement and media/digital literacy.
Grand Parents of Media Literacy
Who are your intellectual grandparents? Who has influenced your work in media literacy? They are the people you have encountered, whose ideas resonate deeply with your own experiences, dreams and ideas. Their work speaks to issues that capture interest and engage imagination.
XXVI Summer School of Media Education
Last July the Summer School promoted by Med (Italian Association for Media Education and Communication) in Lucca (Italy) focused on the relationship between school and territory from a Media Education perspective. The several lectures and workshops planned for this 26th edition of the Summer School offered theoretical and practical insights on how a Service Learning approach can inform the development of Media Education projects in and with the local communities surrounding the schools.
Conference-debate « Media and interculturality: how to educate to critical thinking, citizen mobilization and expression?”
On the 8th of November, in the Markten (Brussels, Belgium)
A day of reflection to highlight the issue of interculturality in media education.
To face discourses of othering and intolerance spread by some media, we wish through the MEET project to develop a critical and citizen understanding of media representations. Above all, we want to encourage citizens to produce counter-discourse in order to strengthen intercultural understanding and combat discrimination.
#MyStory Meets the Week of Cultures in Novo Mesto
The #MyStory: Media, Migrants & Refugees project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Europe for Citizens Programme is an initiative to raise awareness, promote discussion, training and assist migrants and refugees and the organisations working with them, to contribute to the media narratives of displaced peoples in a positive way.
Dr Iztok Sori from the Peace Institute held a lecture and workshop on hate speech and other discriminatory practices in Slovenian media.
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Media Education Activities on World Refugee Day
In several countries of the MEET partners, media education activities took place on the World Refugee Day on June 20th. We present examples from two countries: Slovenia and Germany. In Slovenia numerous activities have been organized on the World Refugee Day, from festivals to round tables. In Germany the Federal Association of Citizens Media (BVBAM) initiated a special day with the UN Refugee Aid, which mainly reported on the lives and situation of refugees in the cities and municipalities.
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Reporting on Media Literacy in Europe
Media literacy – our capacity to access, have a critical understanding of and interact with the media has never been as important as it is today. So what is the EU doing to encourage improved media literacy? This study examines measures being taken across the European Union to foster our critical appreciation and understanding of the mass media.
Mirovni Institut: Workshops on hate speech, media and migration
The Peace Institute (Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana) with the support of the Government Communication Office of Slovenia offers secondary schools free workshops on hate speech, media and migrations, which are intended for students.
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MEET schools in Germany, Italy and Slovenia
MEET Partners in cooperation with their respective Associated Partners at national level have identified six secondary public schools where the participatory action research will take place between May 2017 and June 2018. Indeed, starting from the next month MEET researchers and teachers will start to co-design media education materials addressing young citizens at the Ernst-Reuter-Schule (Ludwigshafen, DE), BBS Technik 1 (Ludwigshafen, DE), Istituto Gramsci – Keynes (Prato, IT), Istituto Marconi (Prato, IT), Dvojezična srednja šola/Kétnyelvű Középiskola (Lendava, SL) and Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška (Ljubljana, SL).