You can now download our new leaflet in each national language of the MEET project (French, German, Italian, Slovenian) and off course in English! Continue reading “Have you seen our new leaflets?”
Conference-debate “Media & Interculturality: how to #MEETolerance?”

The national event of Belgium took place on November 8th in Brussels and was a reel success with a lot of exchanges among professionals from the socio-cultural, associative, formal and informal educational field. Continue reading “Conference-debate “Media & Interculturality: how to #MEETolerance?””
Transnational partners MEETing in Ljubljana
Partners from the University of Florence (Italy), the University of Vienna (Austria), Média Animation ASBL (Belgium), the Peace Institute (SIovenia) and (Germany) met in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 31st of May, 1st and 2nd of June 2017 to discuss the advancement of the MEET project. Continue reading “Transnational partners MEETing in Ljubljana”
How to adapt media literacy activities to young people at risk of social exclusion?
In March 2017, the University of Florence (IT), the Peace Institute (SI) and (GE) gathered in Ljubljana (Slovenia) to think on how to adapt the media literacy activities of the e-Engagement Against Violence project to young people at risk of social exclusion. Continue reading “How to adapt media literacy activities to young people at risk of social exclusion?”