Conference-debate “Media & Interculturality: how to #MEETolerance?”

How to #MEETolerance Conference-debate 8th November 2017

The national event of Belgium took place on November 8th in Brussels and was a reel success with a lot of exchanges among professionals from the socio-cultural, associative, formal and informal educational field. 

The event was divided in three part:

1. The conference with 3 speakers to define the 3 focus of the day:

3 speakers of the morning conference of MEET national event in Belgium.
  • Focus 1: Criticism of the media discourse to denounce racism

Laura Calabrese, Professor of Multilingual Communication in the Department of communication and information of the ULB. “How to denounce the banal manifestations of racism in the media? What grids of analysis should be mobilized without participating in a general mistrust towards them? ”

  • Focus 2: Criticism and use of the media to mobilize

Edgard Szoc, in charge of studies and animation at BePax. “What opportunities for alternative speech offer new media? How do they facilitate the mobilization of citizens on the issue of interculturality? “

  • Focus 3: Production of media to include

Amandine Kech, coordinator of Mag-ma asbl . “What are the advantages of media expression in terms of emancipation and citizen participation for people from minority backgrounds? ”

2. The round-table – on the field

Several speakers shared their field experience in media education to highlight the 3 focus of the morning with  a practical perspective. The debate with the public aimed to  identify the strengths and limitations of the different approaches and to discuss the challenges of interculturality in media education.

Round-table of the MEETolerance conference-debate 8th November 2017

Leaded by Daniel Bonvoisin from Média Animation ASBL , the round-table gathered:

3. Inspiration workshops: How to #MEETolerance

The Inspiration workshops allowed participants to discover media education projects led by associations, educators and teachers and to discuss more informally the challenges posed by interculturality in the field:

Inspiration workshops How to #MEETolerance

We thank all our speakers and participants who enriched the debates and conversations !

Organised by Média Animation ASBL in the framework of the project MEET – Media Education for Equity and Tolerance. Cofunded by the European Commission

Belgian National Even: How to #MEETolerance

Download the programme of the conference here

Program of the Belgian National Event How to #MEETolerance