Transnational partners MEETing in Ljubljana

Partners from the University of Florence (Italy), the University of Vienna (Austria), Média Animation ASBL (Belgium), the Peace Institute (SIovenia) and (Germany) met in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 31st of May, 1st and 2nd of June 2017 to discuss the advancement of the MEET project.

Wednesday 31st of May 2017

The Wednesday session was restricted to the countries that will adapt and test media education activities in schools in intercultural areas (Germany, Italy and Slovenia) and to Media Animation that will direct a film documentary about these experimentations. Partners could discuss the purposes, methods and form of the documentary.

Thursday 1st of June 

Many topics were discussed in this first session gathering all partners and associated partners:

  • dissemination/communication of the project
  • methodological guidelines to co-design and adapt media education activities to intercultural contexts (Learning Scenarios)
  • presentation of the schools involved in the testing of these Learning Scenarios by testing countries (Germany, Italy and Slovenia)
  • presentation of a first draft of the Learning Scenarios

Friday 2nd of June

The second day of meeting with all partners was also intense with presentations of:

  • methodology to evaluate and ensure the project impact
  • methodological guidelines for the testing of Learning Scenarios
  • European comparative report of policies and good practices on Media, Citizenship and Intercultural Education made on the basis of the national reports of each partners.
  • managements topics

This fruitful meeting took place in the impressive Museum of Modern Art of Ljubljana thanks to the Slovenian team who organised everything perfectly.