MEET goes to school in Ljubljana

MEET testing at the Secondary School of Technical Professions Šiška in Ljubljana (SLO)

In Slovenia the MEET’s classroom activities started in December 2017 at the secondary school of Technical Professions Šiška in Ljubljana. The researcher/media educator Mojca Frelih along with the teacher Andrej Svete and 28 students (aged 15-16) tested the Learning Scenario “Migration between Media Narratives and Digital Storytelling”.

The class started with students watching short videos about stereotypes in the media and continued with an active engagement of students in the assignment “Stereotypes towards migrants” facilitated by an interactive method. In the second part of the Learning Scenario, students watched the film “Blue Eyed” and they then actively addressed “4 Fields of Discrimination”, following the interactive method. The topics of migration, hate speech and possible consequences were discussed, also using short video clips about hate speech on the basis of various personal circumstances. Students developed different aspects and scenarios for creating a short video on the basis of the role plays “Life Situations of Migrants”. This part of the course has gained special appreciation by the students. The concluding part consisted of the students’ story writing and digital storytelling production.