Medienbildung für Toleranz – Media education for tolerance

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna has created a Societal Impact Platform with the aim of making visible the research processes, the interactions with social actors associated with them, but also the research results. A presentation of the MEET project recently appeared there.

Die Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Wien hat eine “Societal Impact Plattform” ins Leben gerufen, mit dem Ziel, die Forschungsprozesse, die damit verknüpften Wechselwirkungen mit gesellschaftlichen AkteurInnen, aber auch die Forschungsergebnisse sichtbar zu machen. Dort erschien kürzlich eine Darstellung des MEET-Projekts.

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How to deal with hate on the web? Media education for young people

Public event in Vienna, 4th of June 2018

MEET project participants with the speakers: Benjamin Opratko, Katja Friedrich, Birgit Sauer, Irina Scheitz and Ingrid Brodnig (c) Wiener Bildungsserver

How to deal with online hate speech, cyber bullying and the spread of online fake news? These were the topics of discussion at a public event that took place at the Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (Vienna School of Education) on 4th of June 2018. Organized as part of MEET’s public outreach efforts, the event brought together more than 50 participants: school teachers, social workers, public officials and academics listened to two lectures and engaged in a lively debate. The debate was moderated by Benjamin Opratko, member of the Austrian MEET team.

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