„Media and Information Literacy (MIL) are formal and informal pedagogical practices that aim at developing critical thinking skills applied to media messages. Rather than censoring media that is potentially harmful, MIL invests in a long-term strategy that aims to promote the development of discerning critical thinking skills in individuals.“ (UNAOC about „Media and Information Literacy: Educational Strategies for the Prevention of Violent Extremism“) Continue reading “Renee Hobbs’ speech at UNHQ”
“mittendrin” – a project of medien+bildung.com
“mittendrin” (“right in the middle of it”) is a workshop offer for schools in the sense of the radicalization prevention on topics such as politics and religion, diversity acceptance, democratic cohabitation. With media-based methods and joint media production, medien+bildung.com is approaching current topics in workshops where the media play a major role: the value and benefits of democracy, life in diversity, dealing with prejudice and discrimination, current extremist tendencies and young people on the way to radicalization. Continue reading ““mittendrin” – a project of medien+bildung.com”