“mittendrin” – a project of medien+bildung.com

“mittendrin” (“right in the middle of it”) is a workshop offer for schools in the sense of the radicalization prevention on topics such as politics and religion, diversity acceptance, democratic cohabitation. With media-based methods and joint media production, medien+bildung.com is approaching current topics in workshops where the media play a major role: the value and benefits of democracy, life in diversity, dealing with prejudice and discrimination, current extremist tendencies and young people on the way to radicalization.

Target groups are schoolchildren, young people 13 years and older. Goals are the promotion of (media) criticism, the understanding of democracy, diversity acceptance, self-efficacy and the strengthening of social, communicative and creative competences, of information and participation competence. The project consists of the module “Achtung Vorurteile“ (“attention prejudice“) and of media projects (video, audio, comic, photo or online projects) on topics such as extremism, discrimination, conflicts, but also on identity, perspectives. “Mittendrin” was launched and tested in Ludwigshafen between September 2016 and March 2017.
