This day is for kindergarten specialists: Prof. Stephan Bundschuh will present research results on “Racism sensitivity in day care centers” on 18 November 2019 in the University of Applied Sciences in Koblenz.
Exclusion phenomena such as racism and related group-related hostility phenomena do not stop at daycare centres. Rhineland-Palatinate is no exception. We would like to discuss the resulting challenges on the basis of a current study on racism sensitivity in day care centers in Rhineland-Palatinate.
The following questions will be discussed at the symposium:
- What about racism and related group-related phenomena of misanthropy in kindergartens in Rhineland-Palatinate?
- How can such attitudes and actions be countered?
- How can specialists act professionally in this respect?
- What exactly can and should be done against this in the day care centre?
- What materials are available to strengthen and sensitise children?
- How can professionals and parents work together to combat this?
- What is the role of the responsible bodies and other responsible persons?
Lectures, workshops and a panel discussion will give a voice to many-voiced perspectives on how daycare centres can develop into non-discriminatory spaces in order to offer all children good conditions for development.
- Opening with greetings from Dr. Stefanie Hubig, Ministry of Education of Rhineland-Palatinate and Prof. Dr. Daniela Braun University of Applied Sciences Koblenz
- Lecture: Critical Perspectives on Racism and Empowerment in Childhood, Dr. Nkechi Madubuko, University of Kassel
- Lecture: Sensitivity to racism in daycare centres: Research results, Prof. Dr. Stephan Bundschuh
Dr. Michael Müller, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences - workshops
- Panel Discussion: Prejudicial Perspectives
Note: Prof. Dr. Stephan Bundschuh, project manager and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, was an expert at the closing event of MEET in Brussels.
Information and registration for the symposium on 18.11.2019 in Koblenz