“Das NETTZ” is the networking site against Hate Speech in German-speaking countries. “Das NETTZ” promotes digital moral courage and advocates a positive debate and opinion culture on the web. The NETTZ wants to build and support actors of civil society in their work as a “community of objections”. On the site you will find initiatives, which are committed against Hate Speech.
Hate speech on the net has become a socially broad and urgent topic. Not just radical fringe groups and individuals, but increasingly right-wing populist sections of the population associate their opinions with discriminatory or racist content. Violent threats are made more concrete today than a few years ago and are targeted at individuals.
The NETTZ would like to counter this and founds the networking office against Hate Speech. NETTZ promotes digital moral courage and advocates a positive debate and opinion culture on the web. The NETTZ wants to build and support actors of civil society in their work as a “community of objections”.
NETTZ makes knowledge transparent and easy to find, allows for sharing experiences, and provides resources for the operational work of community activists and community organizations. The NETTZ promotes innovative work through a funding competition, which provides the actors with the first building block for an improved resource situation in the field of engagement.